Sample Speaking Test 1 – Cambridge IELTS 18

Sample Speaking – Cambridge IELTS 18

Speaking Test 1 


Paying bills

1. What kinds of bills do you have to pay?

Well, when it comes to bills, there are lots of kinds that I have to stay on top of. I’ve got the usual ones like mortgage, electricity, water, and internet. And then there are those pesky bills for things like credit cards, Netflix, Apple music and car payments. It’s like a never-ending list sometimes.


2. How do you usually pay your bills – in cash or by another method? 

Personally, I rarely pay my bills with cash these days. I find it more convenient to use electronic payment methods. I rely on electronic wallets such as Momo or Zalo Pay. Carrying cash around has become quite rare for me, and electronic options offer greater convenience and security.


3. Have you ever forgotten to pay a bill?

Yes, unfortunately, it happens to the best of us. I remember this one time when I completely forgot to pay my internet bill, and it was a disaster. I got cut off from the internet, and I lost all my hard work. I had to scramble to get my payment sorted and get the internet back up and running. It was a hard lesson learned.


4. Is there anything you do to make your bills cheaper?

Yeah, one thing I do is shopping around for better deals or discounts. Like, I’ll compare different internet or phone plans to see if there’s something cheaper and still meets my needs. Another thing is being mindful of energy usage. Turning off lights and appliances when not needed, using energy-efficient bulbs, stuff like that. It might not make a huge difference, but every little bit helps.



stay on top of (Cụm động từ): tự cập nhật thông tin, hành động để duy trì sự kiểm soát hoặc tài năng trong lĩnh vực, sự việc cụ thể

mortgage (Danh từ): Khoản vay thế chấp

a never-ending list (Cụm danh từ): Danh sách không bao giờ kết thúc 

electronic wallets (Danh từ): Ví điện tử

it happens to the best of us: Cụm từ này thường được sử dụng để diễn đạt sự đồng cảm hoặc hiểu biết khi ai đó gặp lỗi, thất bại hoặc sự cố không may xảy ra, nhấn mạnh rằng ngay cả những người tài giỏi nhất cũng có thể gặp khó khăn.

hard work (Danh từ): Công việc chăm chỉ, đề cập đến sự cống hiến, sự kiên trì và nỗ lực để hoàn thành một nhiệm vụ hoặc đạt được một mục tiêu

meets my needs (Cụm động từ): Đáp ứng nhu cầu của tôi. Cụm từ này cho biết rằng một điều gì đó đáp ứng yêu cầu hoặc mong đợi của cá nhân.



Describe some food or drink that you learned to prepare.

You should say:

what food or drink you learned to prepare

when and where you learned to prepare this

how you learned to prepare this


I learned to prepare cheese tarts at a cooking workshop in District 3 last month. It was one of those cool workshops you can find in Ho Chi Minh City that teach you different culinary skills.

So during the workshop, the instructor taught me the step-by-step process of making cheese tarts. I learned how to make the buttery tart crust from scratch and then prepare the creamy cheese filling. It was a hands-on experience, and I got to practise each step under the help of the instructor.

The workshop provided all the necessary ingredients and equipment, so I didn’t have to worry about bringing anything. The instructor shared useful tips to achieve the perfect texture and flavour for the tarts, and things like how to avoid common mistakes. I also learned about the importance of chilling the dough, you know, getting the right consistency for the filling, and baking them to a golden brown.

By the end of the workshop, I had a newfound understanding of the art of making cheese tarts. It was a fun and educational experience that allowed me to develop a new culinary skill. Now, I can confidently whip up delicious cheese tarts whenever I crave them.



culinary skills (Cụm danh từ): Kỹ năng nấu ăn

a step-by-step process (Cụm danh từ): Quá trình từng bước một

make something from scratch (Cụm động từ): Tự làm từ đầu, tự chế tạo. Đây là hành động tạo ra một sản phẩm hoặc một thứ gì đó hoàn toàn mới từ các thành phần cơ bản hoặc nguyên liệu ban đầu, thay vì sử dụng sản phẩm đã được làm sẵn.

a hands-on experience (Cụm danh từ): trải nghiệm mà người tham gia được tham gia và thực hiện các hoạt động, thí nghiệm hoặc công việc thực tế trực tiếp, thay vì chỉ là quan sát hoặc nghe kể.

consistency (Danh từ): Sự nhất quán, đồng nhất

a newfound understanding (Cụm danh từ): Sự hiểu biết mới, kiến thức mới



Young people and cooking

1. What kinds of things can children learn to cook?

Well, I think children can learn to cook a variety of things depending on their age and skill level. They can start with simple tasks like mixing ingredients, spreading butter on bread, or assembling sandwiches. As they grow older and gain more experience, they can progress to cooking basic meals like scrambled eggs or baking cookies. 

2. Do you think it is important for children to learn to cook?

Absolutely, I think it’s important for children to learn how to cook. Cooking isn’t just about knowing how to make food, it’s way more than that. Cooking teaches them about nutrition, being independent, and getting creative in the kitchen. Also, when kids learn to cook, they develop a better understanding of food and where it comes from, so they can appreciate their meals more 

3. Do you think young people should learn to cook at home or at school?

When it comes to learning how to cook, I think nothing beats the good old home kitchen with your parents keeping an eye on you. Schools can get pretty crowded, you know? And who knows if the teachers or staff will have enough time to give each student the attention they need? When you’re cooking at home, your parents can watch over you, show you the ropes, make sure you don’t accidentally burn the place down, and give you the attention you deserve when exploring the exciting world of cooking.



mixing ingredients (Verb phrase): Trộn nguyên liệu 

spreading butter on bread (Verb phrase): Bôi bơ lên bánh mì

assembling sandwiches (Verb phrase): Xếp các thành phần của sandwich lại với nhau để tạo thành một món ăn hoàn chỉnh

nutrition (Noun): Dinh dưỡng

show you the ropes (Idiom): Đây là hành động hướng dẫn một người khác về cách thực hiện một công việc, một quy trình hoặc một nhiệm vụ nào đó, giúp họ hiểu và làm được công việc đó.


Working as a chef

1. How enjoyable do you think it would be to work as a professional chef?

I suppose it’s like a mix of enjoyment and challenges that come hand in hand with being a professional chef. You might rake in some serious dough, but it comes with a truckload of stress, with all the long hours, intense pressure, and high expectations. But hey, if you’re super passionate about food, I think it’s all worth it. 

2. What skills does a person need to be a great chef?

To be a great chef, I think you need a combination of culinary skills and personal qualities. So, you should have a solid foundation in cooking techniques, flavour profiles, and food presentation. Creativity and the ability to work well under pressure  are also a must. Plus, you also need to be a leader who can rally the team, keep them in sync, and make sure everyone’s on the same page.

3. How much influence do celebrity/TV chefs have on what ordinary people cook?

Well, everyone’s got their own tastes and cultural influences, so the impact can vary, I would say. But celebrity and TV chefs definitely have a big say in what ordinary people cook.  With their shows, cookbooks, and online presence, they bring all sorts of food to the spotlight, introduce new ingredients, and inspire home cooks to try new recipes and techniques. So I guess, at the end of the day, these chefs serve as an awesome source of inspiration.



come hand in hand with (Idiom): Đi kèm với nhau, cùng tồn tại

high expectations (Noun phrase): Kỳ vọng cao

a solid foundation (Noun phrase): Nền tảng vững chắc

rally (Verb): Tập hợp, tụ tập

online presence (Verb): Tập hợp, tụ tập


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