Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 – Ngày 13/3/2024

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 – Ngày 13/3/2024

Đề bài

People who decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it are more likely to have a satisfying working life than those who change jobs frequently. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Agree – Disagree

Keywords cần lưu ý: decide on a career path early – keep to it – more likely – satisfying working life – those who change jobs frequently

Độ khó: Trung bình – Chủ đề trong đề bài không quá xa lại với nhiều thí sinh (nên duy trì 1 công việc dài hạn hay thay đổi công việc). Điểm có thể gây khó khăn cho một số thí sinh trong bài này là việc đề bài đưa ra sự so sánh về độ hài lòng công việc. Thí sinh cần lưu ý đến chi tiết này để tránh mất điểm TR.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

  • Ý kiến tổng quan: Đồng ý một phần với đề bài.
    • Body 1: Việc bắt đầu và duy trì một công việc có thể giúp những người đã có mục tiêu nghề nghiệp rõ ràng đạt được sự hài lòng.
    • Body 2: Tuy nhiên, việc này có thể không đúng đối với một số hoàn cảnh khác.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu

Many people believe that those who settle early in their career and stick to it can achieve greater job satisfaction than job hoppers. I partly agree with this notion since it only holds true for those who discover their strength and interests early in life.

Young people who settle early in their careers can achieve job satisfaction in several ways. Sticking to their career early facilitates young people’s work performance, as they can gain insights into their fields,  learn and adapt through trial and error. This paves the way for career progression, one major contributor to job satisfaction. In addition, people who can decide on a career path early are often those who have discovered their strengths and can envision themselves thriving in their chosen field. This demonstrates strong intrapersonal skills and vision, the qualities that employers actively seek. As a result, these employees experience heightened job security and satisfaction. 

However, settling early in a career does not necessarily guarantee job satisfaction in many other contexts. For those who have yet to discover their strengths and interests early in life, changing jobs frequently provides them with exposure to different roles or industries and discover their true interests and strengths. This can lead to greater job satisfaction as they will eventually find roles that align with their skills and passions. In addition,changing jobs often requires people to build new relationships and learn a new way of doing things, which can foster valuable skills such as communication and adaptivity. This process of skills acquisition is a contributor to job satisfaction for those who aim for increased personal development.

In conclusion, both settling early in a career and frequent job changes can lead to job satisfaction, depending on an individual’s self-awareness of their strengths and interests.

Highlight words

  • gain insight into (phrase): có thêm thông tin chuyên sâu về …
  • trial and error (phrase): thử và sai
  • envision (verb): hình dung, tưởng tượng
  • align with (phrasal verb): phù hợp, cùng chí hướng
  • heightened job security: sự gia tăng an ninh việc làm 
  • adaptivity (noun): khả năng

> Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 9/3/2024

> Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 – 23/3

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